The latest series at good ol' Mountain Christian Church has been "I'm Dreaming of a White Space Christmas." We have been digesting the idea that every single one of us needs some down time in life. Our society encourages us to keep going and give it our all while having a jam-packed schedule. But in reality this intangible. Every one of us gets burnt out and tired and cranky when life gets a little too busy or exhausting. The idea that I need down time, is one I have thought about. I enjoy time alone in fact, even though I am a people person down to my very core. It gives me time to take a breath, think about things, and meditate on Him. I do this every morning which is a necessary part of my daily schedule, but I am starting to think that I should do it throughout the day if possible. When I get stressed I usually cry. I enjoy crying because it helps me get things out and usually I will journal about it or call up a friend. This happens more than I like it too. With the jam-packed schedule of an active teenager, things can get crazy. I am starting to realize that my moods really do affect other people. If I come home and I am upset about something, it affects my family. Who wants to come home to a cranky, emotional teenager? It needs to stop. I am done being so stressed that I break down and take it out on other people. I am done trying to carry the world on my shoulders. You can have it all Lord because I cannot handle it. Only You can.
Ephesians 5:15, "Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."
I refuse to conform.
Beautiful and convicting :) Thank you :)