Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Already

The past year has passed by way too quickly.
It was like I blinked and BAM I was counting down to the new year. I looked back at all the memories, the good and bad. I looked at all the friendships that had fallen apart and all the walls that I had built up. I looked at the mistakes. I also looked at the incredible things God has done in my life and the people and experiences He has blessed me with. Yes, there has beena lot of change in my life....I feel like a different person than I was a year ago. Sure, I still have some of the same problems, but some of them have seemed to fall away. New ones have come, but I have a confidence in the Lord of my life that He can handle them.
It is about time that I give Him absolute control.
There is too much stress in life. Too many regrets. Too much drama. Too many tears. Too much selfishness. The list goes on and on.
This year I want to challenge myself.
My motives, my mind, my spirit, my body, my values, my friendships. I know that if I challenge them that they will grow stronger. I am ready for a a year of growth. I am tired of the day to day stuff. I want to change things. One life at a time. One action at a time. One moment at a time. All because Christ has changed mine. Mind you, I definitley cannot do all of this without His strength and wisdom. I need Him, but that is already a given.

So here we go 2011, are you ready? Because I am.